23 April 2010

Wish me Luck..!

Next week starting Monday I'll be fighting for my spot in the 4x4 since I haven't been to practice this week. Hopefully I won't be too out of shape. I wish there was a way for me run w/o  being injured afterwards. It gets annoying when you have to sit out of practice after every meet and then only get in only one practice before the next track meet. It's a never ending cycle. I feel like I'm behind the rest of the girls because I've been to less practices. But, this cycle will end soon because my shins will no longer hurt. I looked up shin splints on google and it said that the causes of them are old shoes (don't have that), not stretching properly (that's not my problem), or it could be the way I turn my foot when I run (this could be it!). I really have no way of stopping this though because when I run I'm not thinking of how my foot is turning. The only thing I'm thinking about maybe is keeping my stride up. But anyway! Wish me luck next week as I fight to win 2nd leg in the 4x4.

1 comment:

Thanks for giving a hoot!
It makes me warm inside.