Love is something extremely hard to find.
It seems as though all the people who don't deserve it
get it.
Why is this?
Why is it that the people who are truly deserving of it
Never get it?
Why is it that the person who truly loves you is always...
the one left behind,
Forgotten or erased from memory.
Love is something rare that should never be rare.
It should be easy to find seeing as it was made for everyone.
Love is the center of our universe.
So many things can go "Out of Wack" if love isn't in the mix.
People often wonder why girls sometimes act like...
Female Dogs
or Gardening Tools

It's because soemone hurt her.
Somebody did it first.
Females were made to be loved,
not to be figured out or broken.
If she isn't loved, CORRECTLY,
She will be made into a Gardening Tool or Female Dog.
Girls never do things just because, there's always a reason why.
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Thanks for giving a hoot!
It makes me warm inside.