04 December 2012
30 November 2012
Tasha Cobbs!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is slowly becoming one of my favorite worship leaders...
May I present to you: Tasha Cobbs
I just bought this next one a couple minutes ago....
...goosebumps? Yeah me too.
28 November 2012
Glass Box
Have you eveer been in a room so quiet, you can almost hear your heart beating?
A room so still, you can pretty much hear your large and small intestines digesting the food you ate earlier?
A place so quiet, that I swear I heard the nerves in my brain firing off, trying to understand why I'm always be myself.
Trying to comprehend why my "bestfriend" really isn't my bestfriend.
Trying to cope with the fact that standing alone really isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
Wanting to tell people that being "solo dolo" can almost be a nightmare and that if you have an inner circle, value them, love them, because everyone doesn't have one.
Everyone wasn't blessed with friendships that started in elementary and are still going on today. That, my friend, is a blessing.
I mean yeah, I do enjoy my "alone time"
And no I don't like being around a lot of people all the time, but oh sweet Jesus, standing alone gets tiresome.
This cross gets heavy.
Have you ever been inside a room full of people and still felt like you were by yourself?
I have.
I feel like that all the time.
All, the time.
When people walk in and out of your life all the time, you're not really fazed when someone walks out. It's almost like I expect it.
I expect you to leave me by myself.
Iexpect you to find better friends.
I expect to suddenly be knocked off the mountain high pedestal you put me on and come crashing down into a forest of confusion.
And thats why I've learned to always carry a parachute.
Just in case today is one of those days someone decides to knock me off a pedestal, I won't come crashing down, I'll float down gently.
I pray that this glass box I'm in breaks one day.
I pray that one day, I'll have a steady group of friends.
That I won't be lonely anymore.
That I can watch an episode of "Friends" and not get sad.
That I can get on Twitter and not feel jealous when someone tweets about how awesoem their friends are.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy. I am. I'm a really happy person. I'd rather be here that where I came from. I'm just saying, I don't wanna be in this place, always.
I wrote that last part a couple months ago. So at this point, its a lie. I'm not happy. I'm not okay. I don't like being by myself.
A room so still, you can pretty much hear your large and small intestines digesting the food you ate earlier?
A place so quiet, that I swear I heard the nerves in my brain firing off, trying to understand why I'm always be myself.
Trying to comprehend why my "bestfriend" really isn't my bestfriend.
Trying to cope with the fact that standing alone really isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
Wanting to tell people that being "solo dolo" can almost be a nightmare and that if you have an inner circle, value them, love them, because everyone doesn't have one.
Everyone wasn't blessed with friendships that started in elementary and are still going on today. That, my friend, is a blessing.
I mean yeah, I do enjoy my "alone time"
And no I don't like being around a lot of people all the time, but oh sweet Jesus, standing alone gets tiresome.
This cross gets heavy.
Have you ever been inside a room full of people and still felt like you were by yourself?
I have.
I feel like that all the time.
All, the time.
When people walk in and out of your life all the time, you're not really fazed when someone walks out. It's almost like I expect it.
I expect you to leave me by myself.
Iexpect you to find better friends.
I expect to suddenly be knocked off the mountain high pedestal you put me on and come crashing down into a forest of confusion.
And thats why I've learned to always carry a parachute.
Just in case today is one of those days someone decides to knock me off a pedestal, I won't come crashing down, I'll float down gently.
I pray that this glass box I'm in breaks one day.
I pray that one day, I'll have a steady group of friends.
That I won't be lonely anymore.
That I can watch an episode of "Friends" and not get sad.
That I can get on Twitter and not feel jealous when someone tweets about how awesoem their friends are.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm happy. I am. I'm a really happy person. I'd rather be here that where I came from. I'm just saying, I don't wanna be in this place, always.
I wrote that last part a couple months ago. So at this point, its a lie. I'm not happy. I'm not okay. I don't like being by myself.
love and fireflies
22 November 2012
Thankful Post
Although this year has not been the ideal year for me, I realize that I have made it through nearly 11 months of 2012. For that, I thank the Most High for carrrying me through. He has not allowed me to let go and give up, so Lord I humble myself, and I thank you for holding my hand, and being there for me.
love and fireflies ♥
09 November 2012
25 October 2012
J. Cole- I'm a Fool
I listened to Kendrick Lamar's "good kid, m.A.A.d city" btw. Not a fan. Extremely boring, and I swear one of those songs was like 12min long...according to youtube.
-love and fireflies
I will not chase you
I asked myself a question,
Do you think you're scarred from your relationship with
Heck yeah!!!
I extended my hand,
correction, I over-extended myself,
I reached far, far beyond my capacity.
So far in fact, that I fell.He never grabbed me.
He never reached out far enough to touch my hand.
He would twitch his finger, make me think he was about to
give back to me what I was giving. But he never did.So I fell.
F-E-L-L, I fell to the ground.
I embarrassed myself,
I lost self esteem,
I lost hope,
my smile,
my laugh,
My joy,
I lost understanding,
I lost my trust in God,
I lost my peace,
I lost, myself.
So be it. Walk away.
I won't chase you.
Now granted, I will reach out, I'll extend my hand, but only
so far. If you don't grab my hand in time, I'm snatching it away real quick and
it’s not coming back unless God himself tells me, "LaVonia, be nice, and
reach out to that person."
I don't believe I'm angry though.
If I am, I pray and ask God to release that.
Because I don’t wanna be angry. That's not good.
But I will admit, that that "relationship" changed
It changed my mentality.
It changed the way I view people.
Because of him, I no longer over extend myself,I no longer chase people,
It’s almost like I welcome you to walk away.
This way, I can filter out all the fakies.
I know this makes me sound angry, or cold hearted, But I'm
not. I pray to God that I'm not. But, it's important to learn from your
The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over
again but expecting a different outcome.
I would be insane, to do this all over again with everybody
else. And I understand that not everybody is like him, and again, that’s why I
said I will extend my hand. But if you don't take my hand, I'm not going to
force you.
-love and fireflies
18 October 2012
Can I just say how much I hate to hear Romney speak? He is utterly rude, he never answers the questions given, and he's constantly caught in his lies.
Tuesday's debate: I wanted to throw my shoe at the TV, but suppressed my aggression. I don't appreciate Romney telling the people (us) that he's going to make everything better, but never goes into detail on EXACTLY how he's gonna do all these miraculous things. How can you lead a country with no clear path on how to get there? Secondly, I, along with the rest of my TL on twitter, did not appreciate his disrespect toward the President. After numerous occasions in which Romney interrupted the President to straighten out his own lies, he had a problem with Obama interrupting him during one of the questions. I wonder how Michelle felt at that moment.
Neither candidate is perfect, in my opinion, but I think it's important to weigh out the pro and cons. For me personally, Obama has more pros than cons, and that is why he will receive my vote come Nov. 6. Although Romney and I are in agreement about gay marriage and abortion, I've heard too many negatives from him that directly effect my life. Supposedly, he said that the only people who deserve to go to school are those who can afford it. (pause) So what he's saying is, I am unworthy of an education because I and my parents do not have the funds to pay for it? False. Yes those with the most money typically have a better education and a better job, but that's only because they can pay for it! They don't have to dig themselves in a hole only to repay Sallie Mae with the money they made from their job in which they went into debt for!
He also feels that parents should be the ones to pay for school, out of their pockets, as though we're all rich and can afford to pay thousands of dollars per year. Not so.
Back to Obama. I think voting him out of office would be a bad idea solely because I feel like his job is not done. We're in a middle of a race in which we cannot afford to turn around and change drivers. I'm sticking with Obama, I think the promise lies with him.
(I did not mean to make the majority of this post about how much I don't like [not hate] Romney)
-love and firelies
How many times have I apologized?
I've lost count on how many times I've apologized for the neglect of my blog and followers. I'm quite sure by now my followers couldn't care less if I blogged or not. And there is honestly no excuse for my lack of blogging. But nontheless, I will make a conscious effort to take time to blog. Writing is one of my few healing mechanisms.
-love and fireflies
10 May 2012
04 May 2012
The feeling you get when you've finished your last final and have no clue of what to do with your life
Took my last final, chemistry. #shrug
I don't believe I aced it, but don't think I failed either
*God, touch the mind, heart and hands of the person who grades my exam. Let them have sympathy on me*
I don't believe I aced it, but don't think I failed either
*God, touch the mind, heart and hands of the person who grades my exam. Let them have sympathy on me*
03 May 2012
How many people can say this?
"I was one who never spoke unless it improved upon silence. Tell them that I never moved unless it improved upon stillness"
-Carvens Lissaint, Tell Them
01 May 2012
Dear Mr. Darkskin (preview, first draft)
Dear Mr. Darkskin,
Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you really are?
Has anyone ever told you that your skin is like black Egyptian silk, spun by the hands of a hard working mother?
It is the blanket that covers the night sky.
It is the power and determination behind our African roots.
It is the thing that I, a proud Christian woman, lusts after on a lonely night.
The spirit of foregiveness rests in your beautiful dark skin.
How everytime they knock you down, you stand back up.
It is the reminder of the centuries you, Mr. Darkskin, carried this country on your back.
[preview over]
Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you really are?
Has anyone ever told you that your skin is like black Egyptian silk, spun by the hands of a hard working mother?
It is the blanket that covers the night sky.
It is the power and determination behind our African roots.
It is the thing that I, a proud Christian woman, lusts after on a lonely night.
The spirit of foregiveness rests in your beautiful dark skin.
How everytime they knock you down, you stand back up.
It is the reminder of the centuries you, Mr. Darkskin, carried this country on your back.
[preview over]
Carvens Lissaint
He's the new poet I've discovered as of this morning.
He's not as old as he looks. I'm not actually sure how old he is, actually. But he's young...like 20 something.
He's not as old as he looks. I'm not actually sure how old he is, actually. But he's young...like 20 something.
Good News!!
I've started back writing again!
For those of you who don't know. My writing was the very thing that started this blog.
So yeah, I be going back to my roots.
Look out for brand new pieces!!!
-love and fireflies ♥
For those of you who don't know. My writing was the very thing that started this blog.
So yeah, I be going back to my roots.
Look out for brand new pieces!!!
-love and fireflies ♥
10 April 2012
07 March 2012
Stop Kony
I feel like this guy's antics resembles Hitler. My question is, why do people value power so much? You like the feeling of being in charge so much that you're willing to ruin the lives of CHILDREN? What kind of person do you have to be to make people kill their parents? or takeaway someones childhood? because you like like power. I hope this guy gets caught and is put in jail until he dies.
04 March 2012
I cannot tell a lie
I must admit that Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa are a cute couple. I hope they make it.

Bird I saw earlier
I went to McDonald's today after church and came across a bird that had something tied around his leg. If I wasn't afraid of birds and they didn't have nasty diseases, I wouldv'e helped him.
Poor guy :-(
03 March 2012
5 Guys and Absurd Prices
I just went to Jim's last night and got the same thing for like $4 somethin minus the bacon and drink though.
On the plus side, 5 Guys burgers and fries is really good! They give you like a bunch of fries, like a bag full.
18 February 2012
Whitney Houston
I swear whenever I hear that woman's voice it sounds like the gates of heaven are open. I feel like, even if you don't believe in God, once you hear that woman sing, you may have to second guess your unbelief. Often times when people with such a great annointing/gift when they die, I have a hard time excepting the fact that they're dead.
Nontheless! We love you Whitney. I wish I could have met you to tell you how influential your voice is and to also thankyou for bringing "church" to all the non believers.
Nontheless! We love you Whitney. I wish I could have met you to tell you how influential your voice is and to also thankyou for bringing "church" to all the non believers.
09 February 2012
Theo, Beats, iPod
This was taken on my phone. It had a blur setting, and then I went on picnik and played with the highlights and shadows. Meet Theo, my fish.
Same photo, different highlights.
06 February 2012
Valentines Weekend...
So this weekend is Valentines weekend with the actual holiday on Tuesday (sidenote: Why is Valentines always on Tuesday? Doesn't it seem like that to anyone else?) Every year, I plan to be depressed and cry like the other what, 90% of the girls in America because I never have/had a valentine. But, this year, I still don't have a valentine but I honestly do not plan on being depressed. I will be happy in myself and maybe I'll buy myself a snicker! haha! No seriously, I plan on being extremely happy whether or not I have a valentine. I hope everyone else has the same philosophy as I do.
love and fireflies ♥
31 January 2012
Walking out of Wal Greens
So today, I walked up to Wal Greens to pick up vitamin c and some cold and flu medicine because I feel like I won't feel good tomorrow, and as I was walking out, a homeless man asked for a dollar for a hot dog. I ignored him. (sidenote: I only give money to people on the street when I feel lead to. Half of the "homeless folk" out on the street have more money than I do. So if God don't tell me to give money, I don't do it.) Anyway, as I walked away, he proceeded to give me a complement saying "You lookin good" ha! I must admit, it did make me smile, laugh actually, but that did not make me give him any money. I just realized that I didn't even have any cash on me anyway.
Have a nice day :-)
Have a nice day :-)
28 January 2012
Photos of my boots I promised!!!!!
So, I tried to do this post via my phone...but I can't the photos to upload, and since I don't have a mini usb cable I can't do it the conventional way. Maybe I'll ask my roommate later.
Sorry to those of you who clicked on this post hoping to the pictures of my boots.
Sorry to those of you who clicked on this post hoping to the pictures of my boots.
11 January 2012
Keep fighting, I'm a vessel full of power...
So my theme song used to be a song by a woman named Maurette Brown Clark called "It ain't Over". During that time, mother was fighting cancer and I was healing from a past relationship. This song also helped when I used to run track in high school. I would literally play this song the ENTIRE day until it was time for me to run. If you guys remember, I used to run the 4x400m relay, which was the very last race. This song literally speaks to my soul and I pray that this song does the same for you.
Nowadays, my theme song is a song by a man named Micah Stampley called "The Corinthian Song." This song also speaks to my soul. This is the way I've felt about myself for quite some time. I'm a vessel, full of power with a treasure from the lord. I've learned not to let things discouage me because I know I have a greater purpose. You cannot end up from point A to point B without the process. Things that are meant to be do not come without a fight. This song encourages me and reminds me of who I am.
Nowadays, my theme song is a song by a man named Micah Stampley called "The Corinthian Song." This song also speaks to my soul. This is the way I've felt about myself for quite some time. I'm a vessel, full of power with a treasure from the lord. I've learned not to let things discouage me because I know I have a greater purpose. You cannot end up from point A to point B without the process. Things that are meant to be do not come without a fight. This song encourages me and reminds me of who I am.
09 January 2012
It's a Girl! Blue Ivy
Beyonce and Jay Z welcomed a baby girl over the weekend. They named her Blue Ivy. For the record, I hope the child takes after Beyonce, and not Shawn Carter.
Have you guys heard that Blue Ivy backwards is Yvi Eulb which is latin for Lucifer's Daughter? I honestly feel bad for the baby because she hasn't even been alive for a week and there are already terrible rumors swarming around. I really hope that child has peace in her life. She shouldn't have to deal with this BS.
Have you guys heard that Blue Ivy backwards is Yvi Eulb which is latin for Lucifer's Daughter? I honestly feel bad for the baby because she hasn't even been alive for a week and there are already terrible rumors swarming around. I really hope that child has peace in her life. She shouldn't have to deal with this BS.
05 January 2012
Allen Stone- Unaware
This Song, is amazing, I'm not really sure of what he's talking about, but, it sounds good! haha! Enjoy.
So I decided that I'll give out my twitter. Just be mindful, that, I don't always follow back. If I know you in REAL LIFE, and I like you, then I'll follow back. Click @LaVoniaBembry
Me lately...
Check my boots <---- Bakers, Eagle Peak 3 I'll upload pictures of those later
Those glasses aren't perscription
I think I'm gonna pick up a lighter colored trapper hat because after I got that one, I realized that my hair blends in with it, so I think I'll get one that doesn't camouflage my face.
NBA is back!!
I know I'm a little late ont this post, and again, I do apologize, but yayyy! I thought I'd die if didn't get to see the Miami Heat play this season.
We're 6-1, darn Pacers.
I must say, these two are a beautiful couple.

Oh and this is us, smashing Dallas Christmas day :-)

haha! Lebron's Christmas spirited shoes
We're 6-1, darn Pacers.
I must say, these two are a beautiful couple.
Oh and this is us, smashing Dallas Christmas day :-)
haha! Lebron's Christmas spirited shoes
I've been gone for quite some time....
Let's see,
I've graduated high school, idk if I've blogged since then or not.
I attend University if Illinois at Chicago as a PREnursing major...
I'll try and be more faithful,
here's my tumblr though
Let's see,
I've graduated high school, idk if I've blogged since then or not.
I attend University if Illinois at Chicago as a PREnursing major...
I'll try and be more faithful,
here's my tumblr though
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